Working Out After Work — How To Build A New Habit In 5 Steps

René Rosendahl
5 min readOct 5, 2020

Thanks to Covid-19, many of us are working from home now and we are limited in terms of where we can go and what we can do. It has been tough enough to figure out how to work in a new setting and be productive at home, so staying active and getting regular exercise may be more of an afterthought. And yet, not only do we all know we should be getting exercise, we actually need it to stay healthy, physically and mentally.

Another issue many are experiencing is that working from home with the laptop always in reach and in sight creates another problem: boundaries. Where does work end and the rest of your life begin? It’s easy to see where things can get blurry.

If you followed my writing, you know that I’m a big proponent of building healthy habits. Why? Because habits (activities you do regularly and sometimes even automatically) are the best way to make permanent and sustainable changes in your life.

So I’d like to propose the following: Make it a habit to get exercise most days of the week right after you finish work. Here are the five steps to make it happen:

1. Find your Anchor

In order to develop new behaviors, it works best to anchor new activities against existing routines and extend them (for more detail, check out Tiny



René Rosendahl

Thinker, writer, product guy, developer, and exercise fanatic.